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Delegation from the Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Comes on a Fact-Finding Mission

On December 11th, a delegation from the Tianjin Science and Technology Bureau led by Li Jian (Deputy Director of the Intelligence and Talent Induction Department) came to gather information on the recruiting of foreign talent. Zhang Zhen (Director of the Office of International Cooperation), Tan Chao (from the Office of International Cooperation, and Li Dachao (Deputy Director of the Office of Human Resources), as well as representatives of the foreign teachers participated in the discussion.

At the meeting, Li Jian listened to measures and suggestions relating to the recruiting, management, and service of foreign experts. Afterwards, the delegation had a discussion with representatives of the foreign teachers. In combination with the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC and the "14th Five-Year Plan" for Tianjin, foreign teachers put forward their own ideas and suggestions on science and technology, education, talent recruitment, and life in Tianjin.

Li Jian highly affirmed the measures taken in the recruitment, management, and service of foreign experts and thanked every foreign teacher for always caring about changes in China and the development of Tianjin. The delegation will sort out and summarize all experts’ opinions and suggestions and report to relevant departments, who will then consider these needs in future policy formulation and planning. He said that serving as a bridge between Tianjin and the world, foreign experts have made outstanding contributions to the internationalization of higher education and Tianjin.

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