
TJU Signs Agreements with European Universities


From April 21 to 26, 2014, a delegation from Tianjin University (TJU), headed byExecutive Vice President Zhong Denghua,visited the Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), the Universitat Politécnica De Catalunya (Spain), the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), and the University of Padova (Italy), respectively.

During the visit to the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), TJU's delegation was received by President Arlindo Oliveira and Vice President José Santos-Victor. Presidents Oliveira reviewed previous cooperation between IST and TJU. Subsequently, Executive Vice President Zhong gave a briefing on TJU's history, disciplinary strengths, research, and international cooperation. He pointed out that both universities shared similarities in their programs and hoped to deepen their cooperation in architecture, software, and other areas of common interest. The two leaders discussed joint student training, academic exchange, and research collaboration. Additionally, on behalf of IST and TJU, they signed an Agreement on Student Exchange and reached an initial agreement on the development of dual master degree programs.

At the Universidade de Lisboa, Rector António da Cruz Serra and Vice Rector Jo?o Barreiros welcomed the delegation. Vice Rector Barreiros and Executive Vice President Zhong gave an overview of the two universities. Also, Executive Vice President Zhong hoped to strengthen cooperation with the Universidade de Lisboa in student exchange programs and joint research. An in-depth discussion was also held targeting promotion of joint doctorate student training based on the the China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship. After the meeting, Rector Cruz Serra and Executive Vice President Zhong signed an Agreement on Academic and Cultural Cooperation.

In Spain, the TJU delegation visited the Universitat Politécnica De Catalunya, where they were welcomed by Vice Rector Sisco Vallverdu Bayes. Executive Vice President Zhong updated him on the development of TJU, the first modern university of China, and its disciplinary strengths, research achievements, and international collaboration. He hoped to push forward cooperation in student exchange and international joint research through more substantial international cooperative projects. Vice Rector Vallverdu Bayes expressed that the Universitat Politécnica De Catalunya attached great importance to cooperation with China’s first-class universities, and hoped to develop more cooperative programs for research and faculty and student exchange. Afterwards, the delegation visited the School of Computer Science and Technology and the School of Architecture, discussing the development of joint student training and research collaboration.

At the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Vice Rector Narciso Garcia and Associate Vice Rector Angel Alvarez received the delegation. The leaders reviewed cooperation between the two universities covering many areas, especially student training, staff exchange, and research cooperation in architecture and electronic information. Associate Vice Rector Angel Alvarez pointed out that UPM has paid intense attention to cooperation with TJU, and the cooperation of these two universities contributes well to the regional economy.Executive Vice PresidentZhong iterated that TJU also attached great importance to further strategic advantages from the present collaboration with top universities in Europe, including UPM, while at the same time nurturing high-quality talent with a global outlook and to gain fruitful scientific achievements. They then renewed the Memorandum of Understanding and signed an Agreement for Student Exchange. After the meeting, the delegation visited the School of Civil Engineering and School of Architecture, and discussions were held on encouraging faculty and student exchange, as well as cooperation in scientific research.

During the visit at the University of Padova, the delegation was met by Provost Alessandro Martin. Provost Martin gave a presentation on the university and its development of prevalent disciplines. Executive Vice President Zhong gave a briefing on TJU’s disciplinary strengths, its research funds, and international cooperation. They expressed hope for a more substantial cooperation in staff exchange and scientific research, and ways to enhance cooperation in student training and research. Afterwards, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding. It is hoped that the two universities could develop student exchange programs as soon as possible, and develop PhD programs based on the CSC scholarship.