Led by President Tan Chorh Chuan, a delegation from the National University of Singapore (NUS) visited Tianjin University (TJU) on September 12, 2014. TJU President Li Jiajun met with the guests, along with representatives from TJU’s School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, School of Environmental Science and Engineering and the Office of International Cooperation.
President Li Jiajun welcomed TJU’s longstanding friend President Tan, who paid a visit to TJU two years ago. He elaborated on the new happenings of TJU in the last two years, including disciplinary development, the master plan of TJU new campus, TJU’s collaboration with industry, educational reform and so on.
President Tan was impressed by the progress TJU had made recently. He talked about new educational policies of NUS. For example, in order to make students less focus on grades, NUS let students themselves decide whether the grade of each test is kept for GPA or not in their first semester as freshmen. President Tan also shared with President Li on the successful experiences of the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and discussed with him on the running of medical schools and the training of medical students.
During their visit, the delegation also visited the School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering.