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Ernst-Mach Eurasia Pacific Uninet Grant 2019


We are glad toannouncethe online application call for theErnst Mach Grant – EURASIA-PACIFIC UNINET 2019 financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and organized by OeAD-GmbH/ICM in cooperation with Eurasia-Pacific Uninet.

Eligible for application are:

§ Postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD program at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia

§ Postdocs pursuing academic work at one of EPU’s member institutions in China or Mongolia


§ Postgraduates: 1-9 months

§ Postdocs: 1-6 months

Grant benefits paid:

§ Monthly grant rate for postgraduates: 1.050 EUR, for postdocs: 1.150 EUR

§ Scholarship holders are exempted from paying tuition fees

§ Scholarship holders from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of max. 1.000 EUR

The closing date for applications isOctober1st2018!


Yueyue Shang-Huetter

Project Manager

Eurasia Pacific Uninet Head Office

Veterinary Medical University Vienna

Veterinaerplatz 1

A-1210 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43 1 25077 4204

