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1.Dr. Iulius Markovits, Head of Education and Research (Chemistry), TUM Asia

2.Dr. Lena Tang, Group Technology & Innovation / Group Chemical Research Scientist, Clariant Singapore Pte. Ltd




慕尼黑工业大学亚洲(TUM Asia)是德国慕尼黑工业大学在新加坡的海外直属院校,它的创办是史无前例的德国与亚洲顶级大学间的合作成果。凭借世界知名大学的师资力量,以培养新一代工程师和业界领导人为目标,慕尼黑工大亚洲精心设计了一系列专业学术课程。目前,慕尼黑工业大学亚洲已被新加坡教育局认证为高等教育机构(Institute of Higher Learning)。



1. Iulius Markovits completed his studies in Chemistry with specific focus on hetero- and homogeneous catalysis at Technische Universit?t München in 2010. Afterwards, he worked as Research Associate for almost 4 years at the Chair for Inorganic Chemistry at Technische Universit?t München, where he received his Doctoral degree in Chemistry in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Prof. Fritz Kühn. The topic of his PhD thesis was "Oxidation catalysis in ionic liquids", which focused on catalyst design and characterization. Furthermore, a new mechanism for the activation of hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids was proven, laying the foundation for further research. Since 2014 Iulius Markovits was working in Singapore as Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University followed by an additional year at TUM CREATE Ltd, where he pursuit using ionic liquids as unconventional electrolytes in rechargeable Lithium and Sodium ion batteries.

2. Clariant is a globally leading specialty chemicals company, based in Muttenz near Basel/Switzerland. On 31 December 2015 the company employed a total workforce of 17 213. In the financial year 2015, Clariant recorded sales of CHF 5.807 billion for its continuing businesses. The company reports in four business areas: Care Chemicals, Catalysis, Natural Resources, and Plastics & Coatings. Clariant’s corporate strategy is based on five pillars: focus on innovation through R&D, add value with sustainability, reposition portfolio, intensify growth, and increase profitability.