Event trailer


FIE赴英高端学术实习项目 & SAF海外交流生项目宣讲


宣讲题目:FIE赴英高端学术实习项目 & SAF海外交流生项目

时间:4月1日(周五)12:30- 14:00



1. FIE赴英高端学术实习项目的负责人John Pearson 先生 (简历附后)

2. Daniel 申铁军 Director, Mainland China The Study Abroad Foundation (SAF)

John M. Pearson: Foundation for International Education (FIE) Vice President

In 1998 JohnPearson co – founded the Foundation For International Education (FIE) in London. FIE works with leading US universities to provide highly competitive internship prgrams for their students. In his current position Mr. Pearson has overall responsibility for the quality of operational delivery at FIE’s London, Madrid and Dublin programmes. Prior to his tenure at FIE Mr. Pearson worked for several years as the Associate Dean of Students at Richmond, the American International University in London. In this capacity he had overall responsibility for all aspects of Student Life and Alumni Affairs and was responsible for developing a strong international alumni network. Mr. Pearson has also been director of his own London based film and video production company specialising in the Latin American. Mr Pearson’s academic background is Film Philosophy, English Literature and Anthropology. He is a graduate of Leicester University and Sydney University, Australia.