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主题:"Gender Studies and STEM"

主讲人:美国佐治亚理工学院Carol Colatrella教授

内容摘要:Professor Carol Colatrella will provide a short overview of US National Science Foundation statistics related to recipients of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees and STEM employees as background for her brief discussion of Georgia Tech initiatives related to gender and her short case study of two recent British television dramas illustrating women's participation in 1950's computing and health care.

主讲人简介:Dr. Carol Colatrella is professor of literature in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication; co-director of the Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology; and associate dean for graduate studies and faculty affairs in the Ivan Allen College at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 1993 she has served as the executive director of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Her scholarly interests focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century American and European literary, historical, and scientific narratives. In addition to essays appearing in anthologies and scholarly journals, she has published three books: Evolution, Sacrifice, and Narrative: Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner (1990); Literature and Moral Reform: Melville and the Discipline of Reading (2002); and Toys and Tools in Pink: Cultural Narratives of Gender, Science, and Technology (2011). She has also edited and contributed to the collection Technology and Humanity (2012) and coedited with Joseph Alkana a collection of essays published in honor of Sacvan Bercovitch, Cohesion and Dissent in America (1994).