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谢德华教授(Prof. Edward Steinfeld)讲座通知


谢德华教授(Prof. Edward Steinfeld)讲座通知

应天津大学邀请,美国布朗大学谢德华教授(Prof. Edward Steinfeld)于3月27日(周四)在经管学部做专题讲座。

题目:Chinese Industrial Innovation: Fantasy or Reality?




Title: Chinese Industrial Innovation: Fantasy or Reality?

In the United States today, many people fear China's growing industrial might. They worry especially that the ability to stay on the cutting edge of industrial innovation depends on the extent to which one actually engages in manufacturing. Hence, the more China manufactures, the more it is believed to be engaged in industrial innovation. However, many experts within China worry that their nation is not engaging in sufficient innovation, and they worry that the ability to "make" is not at all connected to the ability to "create" or "invent." This talk, based on several years of firm-level research in the renewable energy sector, will examine the validity of these concerns. Which side is right, the optimists or the pessimists? How much technology innovation really is taking place in China's energy sector? What can the Chinese experience tell us about the whole phenomenon of technology innovation, especially in an age of globalization and extensive cross-border learning?