
Delegation from Australian Defence Force Academy of UNSW Visits TJU


On October 23, 2013, Professor Michael Frater, Rector of the Australian Defence Force Academy of the University of New South Wales (UNSW), led a delegation on a visit to Tianjin University (TJU). The delegates included heads of the academy’s four schools, including the School of Humanities and Social Science,the School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, the School of Business, and the School of Engineering and Information Technology, and Associate Dean (International). President Li Jiajun met with the guests.

President Li reviewed the collaboration between TJU and the Australian Defence Force Academy of the UNSW which began in 2009 when the two universities signed a Memorandum of Intent. Rector Frater indicated that the Australian Defence Force Academy of the UNSW looked forward to developing cooperation with TJU covering various aspects.

The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is a centre for tertiary education for the Australian Defence Force. It is located in Canberra, the national capital. On January 9, 2009, a Memorandum of Intent was signed between the Australian Defence Force Academy of the UNSW and TJU. According to the agreement, the Australian Defence Force Academy of the UNSW provides full ride scholarships for a total of fifteen students from TJU per year. Additionaly each year, two“cooperation supervisors”from TJU are also funded to travel to the academy for a short-term academic visit. Up until now, nine China Scholarship Council (CSC) Doctoral Scholarship students from TJU have been or will be enrolled at the Australian Defence Force Academy of the UNSW for doctorate degree study or joint education programs.