
Study Visit by ASEAN Universities


From December 3 to 4, 2013, a 27 person delegation fromASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) universities visited Tianjin University (TJU), headed by Dr. Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin, Director ofSEAMEO RIHED (Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development of Southeast Asian Ministers ofEducation Organization) and Mr. Tri Purnajaya, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ASEAN-China Center. This visit was part of their study visit to China focusing on cooperation in research and development. Vice President Yuan Yingjin received the delegation.

Vice President Yuan briefed the guests on TJU’s history, its disciplinary strengths, and international cooperation and exchange. Ms. Thanthakorn Phuangsawat, Senior Programme Support Officer of SEAMEO RIHED, thought highly of TJU’s development achievements over the years. After her introduction of SEAMEO from the perspective of the mission of its RIHED, she expressed her hope to establish a long-term partnership with TJU to promote exchange visits and cooperation. Besides, she expounded that this study visit to TJU was to gain better understanding of TJU’s research and academic exchange so as to promote cooperation and exchange between TJU and ASEAN universities. This visit was also to learn experience in academic research, financial management, and industry-university research cooperation, and promote their own research development. Director Purnajaya gave an overview on the ASEAN-China Center and cooperation on education and culture between ASEAN and China. Attendees held an in-depth discussion on topics of their common interests, including international students recruitment academic research and exchange, government policy support, cooperation among universities, and program financial management.

The delegation also visited the Membrane Technology andSeawater DesalinationLaboratory, the Microelectric Mechanical Systems Laboratory, the College of Management and Economics, the School of Education, the TJU Binhai Industry Research Institute, and the Binhai Science and Technology Committee. Vice President Zhang Yiming of Binhai Science and Technology Committee, and Assistant Director Xue Jiazhi of the Binhai Industry Research Institute gave presentations comprising an overview of the technological development of the Binhai Industry Research Institute and Tianjin Binhai New Area, and discussed with the delegates about sources of research funding, industry-university research collaboration in Binhai New Area, government policy support, and university-enterprise collaboration.

This study visit was also a part of the 2013-2015 cooperation plan of the ASEAN-China Center and SEAMEO, and the 6th China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week, which was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, and Guizhou Provincial People’s Government. Before their visit to TJU, the delegation visited the Ministry of Education, China, Tsinghua University and its National University Science Park. Further, they left Tianjin for Northeastern University in Shenyang.

The ASEAN-China Centre is an inter-governmental organization co- established by ASEAN and China in 2009 to promote ASEAN-China cooperation in trade, investment, tourism, education, and culture. The SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) is an international organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science, and culture in Southeast Asia.