The Emeritus Provost of University of Wisconsin-Madison a renowned physics professor, Professor Paul M. DeLuca Jr. and his delegation paid a visit to Tianjin University on May 29, 2015. Professor Li Jiajun, the President of Tianjin University with colleagues from the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering and the Office of International Cooperation met the international delegation.
Professor Li welcomed Professor DeLuca and expressed his gratitude to Professor DeLuca’s team. Professor Li gave a brief introduction of the development of Tianjin University’s new campus. Professor Li emphasized that there were lots of similarities which could consequently be a potential opportunity for the two universities to cooperate especially in the exchange of students and faculty. Professor DeLuca exchanged ideas with representatives from TJU on the areas of mutual cooperation. He appreciated the pleasant environment of the campus and provided a briefing of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The main purpose of the visit by Professor Deluca and the team of physics experts was to deliver lectures for the high-end physics program sponsored by the Health and Family Planning Commission .The program was delivered from May 17 to July 3 at Tianjin University and the participants were selected from the in-service radiotherapy professionals from the major hospitals.
For instance, he created the neutron source of the highest speed and authorized Micro Metrology as the core technology of high-energy neutrons potential coefficient of kinetic energy. In addition, he conducted research on the basic reaction of cells towards ionizing radiation and the biological response of cells towards high-speed neutron, low-energy photon and the mixed area of neutron and photon. He has also confirmed the potential coefficient of kinetic energy of synthetical neutron with the flying time of pulsed neutron beam.